Accelerate your career growth with enhanced visibility, direct access to hiring managers, and exclusive insights that put you ahead of other applicants.
Gain access to powerful tools and insights that give you a competitive edge in your job search
Send 5 direct messages to recruiters or hiring managers per month
See everyone who's viewed your profile in the last 90 days
Compare your experience and skills to other applicants
Your job applications appear at the top of recruiters' lists
Access to 16,000+ expert-led online courses
Access to 20 million job postings on LinkedIn
Invest in your career growth with our special limited-time discount
50% off
12-month access with no commitment beyond initial period
Offer valid for all federal employees and jobseekers. No verification needed. Terms and conditions apply.
Hear from professionals who accelerated their careers with LinkedIn Premium
"LinkedIn Premium helped me transition to a private sector role in 2 months. The ability to directly message hiring managers and see how I compared to other applicants gave me the edge I needed."
John D
Former DOD Analyst
"After 12 years in the public sector, I was worried about moving to private industry. LinkedIn Learning courses helped me update my skills, and Premium features got my application noticed."
Michael R.
Federal Contractor
The 50% discount is applied automatically when you sign up through our special federal employee link. You'll receive 12 months of LinkedIn Premium at half the regular price, with all features included. Verification of federal employment status may be required.
Yes, you can cancel your LinkedIn Premium subscription at any time. If you cancel before the 12-month period ends, you'll still have access to Premium features until the end of your paid period.
After the initial 12-month discounted period, your subscription will convert to the regular price unless you cancel. You'll receive a notification before any renewal occurs, giving you time to decide whether to continue at the standard rate.
LinkedIn Premium gives you access to features not available on free accounts, including InMail credits to message people outside your network, complete visibility of who viewed your profile, applicant insights for job applications, featured applicant status, and access to LinkedIn Learning courses.
Yes. We use industry-standard encryption and security practices to protect your personal information. Your federal employment status is only used to verify eligibility for the special offer and isn't shared with third parties.
This offer is typically for new Premium subscribers. However, if you've previously had Premium but aren't currently subscribed, you may be eligible. Contact customer support for assistance with your specific situation.
Of course. Check out the features at
1019B Edwards Ferry Rd. #1183
Leesburg, VA 20176
(202) 883-8977